2.- Training2.- Training2.- Training

Kick-off meeting

Representatives of all project partners will attend the meeting and will discuss the state of the art of the Quality Assurance culture in their institutions. Partners Universities, Quality Assurance Agencies and representatives of Minister will share their experiences and will discuss challenges in implementation of quality culture within their institutions and regions.

Workshop I Practical observation session: How to run a Quality Unit- a practical approach Read more...

In Alicante and Elche particular attention will be paid to the training on aspects related to:

  • day-to-day managememt of the quality unit and its relation to the institution;
  • Quality Strategic Planning & annual development plan of the Q-Units;

Workshop II: Institutional Assessment Programme

Special attention will be paid to the programme created by the German Assessment and Accreditation Agency (ASIIN) which serves to analyse the quality of curricula and to improve them. This programme will be studied in theory and on practical examples and case studies. The Standards and Guidelines for European Higher Education Institutions will also be presented.

The actions aims to provide partner instutitions with a unique and coherent methodogy for the assessment of the university study programs and will give the tools for a successful assessment process. The methodology will be translated from English to French and arabic.

Workshop III: The EFQM Excellence Model and Key Management Processes Read more...

Theoretical learning will be provided of the 9 criteria and on the 12 fundamental concepts underpinning the model. Information will be provided on how to practically implement the EFQM model in a university service; an example of successful case study and information on the use and implementation of the EFQM model at the UA and UM.

Workshop IV: Workshop on Strategic Plan for Implementation of a Quality Culture within Arab HEIs Read more...

MUBS organised a 3 days training workshop where PC partners countries gained knowledge about how to perform strategic planning and on how to write a quality manuals. During this event , the Directors of the AUs Q-Units presented the results of the assessment process implemented within Altair project. 

Self Assessment Monitoring

The University of Alicante has invited the core staff of the QA office in each partner university to the consortium meeting that was held on 28th and 29th May 2012. Representatives from every QA office will present the assessment reports, QA office website, improvement plan as well as the strategic plans for the next few years. 


"Targeted Training Programme for Management and Administrative Staff"