1.- Project methodology

The project specifically aims at strengthening the foundations for the systematic implementation of a coherent quality culture within AUs. The action will achieve the objective through capacity building in Egypt, Jordan, Palestinian territories, Lebanon and Morocco involving two universities per country and comprising the Ministries of Higher Education through extensive training programmes.

The action will contribute to the strengthening of physical infrastructure in relation to the structures (Q-Units within the Universities) responsible for the implementation of quality assurance mechanisms and the establishment of effective and necessary information system within participating Universities.

The creation of a culture of quality assurance and quality improvement will be supported through the practical implementation of pilot assessments of chosen University services and study programmes which will be completed in hands with Ministries of Higher Education and National Accreditation Agencies according to the last European practices and the Bologna Process.

In order to successfully incorporate the Quality Assurance and Assessment practice into the institutional development strategy of each Partner University the project further comprises the development and adoption of a long-term quality assurance strategic plan. Increased awareness for quality culture will be generated through the development and dissemination of a Guide for the Promotion of Institutional Quality Culture in Arab Universities as well as through extensive dissemination and networking activities.