1. Enhanced managerial and administrative staff capacity in implementation of quality assurance and assessment techniques.
Intangible outputs: Enhancement of knowledge concerning the techniques and models for assessments of institutional services, academic programmes; enhancement of strategic skills in implementation of quality culture within the Universities’ mission, managerial and administrative skills for the operation of the Q-Units acquired.
2. Sustainable structures for the implementation of quality culture strengthened at ten Arab Universities;
Tangible outputs: Capacity of 10 Q-Units strengthened; adapted IT and data-base technologies, 10 homepages for the units established- 10 Q-Units fully operational until the end of the first project year;
3. Developed methodologies for quality assessment and pilot assessments at ten Arab Universities implemented;
Intangible outputs: Enhancement of self-assessment practices through practical implementation of pilot assessments, Methods and processes for students and teachers involvement in self-assessment practices developed and tested.
4. Increased innovation, efficiency, strategic thinking and ideas for self-improvement through development and adoption of a long-term strategy plan for quality assurance at Arab HEIs;
Intangible outputs: Increased innovation, efficiency, strategic thinking and ideas for self-improvement at university level.
5. Increased awareness for quality culture through the development and dissemination of a Guide for the Promotion of Institutional Quality Culture in Arab Universities
Intangible outputs: Reflection of the specific local context for the implementation of quality culture within the Arab Universities; Summary of the experience gained within the project will serve as a basis and best-practice for other Arab Universities;
6. Increased inter-institutional networking and sharing of best-practices for the promotion of quality culture within Arab countries
"Strengthening the institutional capacity of Arab Universities in support of policy, management and planning at national and regional levels"