KICK-OFF MEETING Altair project

Venue: Amman, Jordan

Date: 24-25 March 2009

Organizer: Princess Sumaya University of Technology

The kick-off meeting of the ALTAIR project took place at Princess Sumaya University of Technology (Jordan) on the 24th and 25th of March 2009.

Representatives of all project partners attended the meeting and discussed the state of the art of the Quality Assurance culture in theur institutions. Partners Universities, Quality Assurance Agencies and representatives of Minister shared their experiences and discussed challenges in implementation of quality culture within their institutions and regions.

Following the general discussion a workshop was held on the first steps to be taken for the project implementation. More precisely the objectives of the activity were to:

  • ensure that all partners fully understood their tasks, roles and responsibilities and to clarify all administrative issues;
  • special attention was paid to the calendar and preparation of the first year activities of the project.
  • partners clarified administrative, reporting, communication and budgetary issues related to the operational implementation of the project.

Agenda of the kick-off meeting

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